It depends. Every licensed therapist who is professional and responsible should be respectful of each of their client’s individual situations and contexts, including their faith and spirituality.
I've included articles below with more detailed information on each of the following topics:
Figure out what role you want a Christian therapist to have in your life. As a therapist I do not give advice or tell people what they should do. My role is to walk alongside someone, offering some truths (in my areas of expertise in psychotherapy and the broad range of the Christian faith), empowering them to make their own decisions, and helping them articulate their values, goals, and plans.
You may want to have a Christian therapist if you would like to cover some of the following topics:
Relationships with God, the Church, or with other Christians
Decision making that will specifically include Christian values
Examining Scripture and interpretation of Scripture
If you are looking for someone who has authority in Scripture and will give you guidance on Christian values, you may not be looking for a Christian therapist, but rather a pastor, mentor, or small group.
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