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Statement of Beliefs

Jesus Christ is big enough for all of our mental health challenges.

Elon Forum Values:

  • Dignity – every person has worth, value, and dignity. No mental health challenges can ever diminish our dignity.

  • Honesty – seeking to be truthful in all interactions and content on Elon Forum

  • Inclusivity – all are welcome. There is no discrimination on the basis of class, race, color, ethnicity, religion, creed, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, ancestry, disability, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, or political affiliation.

  • Humility – striving to love our neighbor as we love ourselves (Mark 12:31), by not placing ourselves above others, or others above ourselves. We seek to find common ground where the dignity and humanity of each person can be realized, and to live outside of a competitive hierarchy with winners and losers. The Elon Forum believes that in God’s kingdom all are welcome at the table, and none with special privileges or rankings above others.

  • Integrity – fairness, equity, humility

  • Christian Faith – while all faith expressions are welcome, The Elon Forum confesses a faith in Jesus Christ and in the history of the Christian Church. The Elon Forum is not affiliated with any specific church or faith denomination, Christian or otherwise.

  • Generous – God’s love is just and generous, and the Elon Forum strives to follow these standards of generosity in the space and work of the Forum

  • Sustainable – recognizing the limits of our physical world, we acknowledge that any offerings of the Elon Forum have costs (of time, finances, and energy). We honor and support those costs, humbly seeking to maintain sustainability and use these resources responsibly.

  • Grace and Compassion – seeking to offer love, warmth, forgiveness, honesty, and hospitality to all

  • Reconciliation – acknowledging wrongs, seeking apology and repentance from others, and offering apologies and repentance to others

  • Responsibility – seeking for all interactions and content to be truthful, respectful, ethical, and lawful

  • Imperfection – we acknowledge that all humans are imperfect, and seek to offer grace, compassion, hospitality, dignity, and honesty to all and in all of our work, content, and interactions.

  • Anti-systemic injustice – we acknowledge systems of oppression and injustice that have and continue to occur around the world. We strive to be a space that honestly recognizes, humbly repents of, and actively works against systemic injustice. We also acknowledge that these unjust systems negatively contribute to mental health and serve as a source of mental distress.

The Elon Forum reserves the right to protect the integrity and inclusivity of the site, and may limit interactions with anyone who does not adhere to and respect the forum’s values.

Elon Forum welcomes all individuals, period. In this welcoming and hospitable space, anyone seeking to demean, devalue, exclude, harm, mislead, or mistreat anyone else in this space will be receive limited or no access to the space. It is expected that all persons engaging with the Elon Forum will conduct themselves with respect and dignity.


Elon Forum Statement of Beliefs was informed by The Church Lab, Christ City Church of Washington, DC, and Forefront Church in Brooklyn, NY.

Beliefs: Text

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