Only professionals with a medical license can prescribe medication. Typically this looks like a general practitioner (an MD), a nurse practitioner (an NP), or a psychiatrist.
A psychiatrist is an MD who specializes in mental health medication and medication management. They certainly prescribe and manage anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medication, and they are also experts in medication for ADD/ADHD, bipolar, schizophrenia, and other more complex neurological mental health disorders.
An MD or NP may prescribe an anti-depressant or anti-anxiety medication, often in low doses. Some MDs or NPs prefer to refer patients to psychiatrists since they are experts in mental health medications.
A doctorate degree – such as a PhD (often a Doctorate of Philosophy in Psychology), a PsyD (a Doctorate in Psychology), or an EdD (a Doctorate in Education) is not qualifed or legally allowed to prescribe medication.
